Evangelism - Olive Tree Bible Software

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For the Olive Tree Bible App

The Unknown God: A Journey with Jesus from East to West

The Unknown God: A Journey with Jesus from East to West

by Mathew P John

We live in the age of religious pluralism where all religions are considered the same and different paths lead to the same spiritual destination. It is important for Christians to learn how to affirm Jesus Christ as the only way to God—while also paying due respect to people of other faiths and worldviews. In The Unknown God: A Journey with Jesus from … Read more…

What If I'm Discouraged in My Evangelism?

What If I'm Discouraged in My Evangelism?

by Isaac Adams

Many new believers have questions about what it means to live as a Christian in the context of a local church, and pastors are looking for resources to pass along to their congregations to help them think biblically about the Christian life. 9Marks Church Questions is a new series that seeks to provide ordinary Christians with sound … Read more…

Longing for Revival: From Holy Discontent to Breakthrough Faith

Longing for Revival: From Holy Discontent to Breakthrough Faith

by James Choung and Ryan Pfeiffer

Revival begins with God. But it's lived out through us. While we can't determine how God will act, we can be expectant and anticipate his work. And revivals are not just experienced—they can be led.James Choung and Ryan Pfeiffer have seen revival in their own ministries, with remarkable transformation in both individuals and communities. They unpac… Read more…

His Plan: 21st Mission Method

His Plan: 21st Mission Method

by Cindy Liu

The testimonies of a foul-mouthed truant's journey to a billionaire, an academic's "Sacrificial Succession" spiritual principles for mission, and a shy and broken-hearted women's joinery, proves the "Talent Giver," is eager to impart talent to enable those willing to serve His kingdom.Mission work has never been so accessible; the 21st Century Mi… Read more…

How to Give Away Your Faith Bible Study

How to Give Away Your Faith Bible Study

by Paul E. Little, Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

If you want to talk about Jesus but you're not sure what to say—or how to say it—this Bible study guide is for you.Six studies, based on Paul Little's classic How to Give Away Your Faith, will deepen your understanding of the essentials of faith and strengthen your confidence as you talk with others about the best news of all.As companions to the… Read more…

The Gift: What if Christmas gave you what you've always wanted?

The Gift: What if Christmas gave you what you've always wanted?

by Glen Scrivener

Nothing beats the feeling of giving, or receiving, the perfect gift. The most meaningful gifts we receive make us feel known, loved and valued. And when we give a gift like that, it's like we're putting ourselves in our present. And at Christmas, that's exactly what God did. This light-hearted and lively… Read more…

How to Witness to a Mormon

How to Witness to a Mormon

by Jerry Benson and Dianna Benson

Mormonism is one of the fastest growing religions in the United States. Because Mormons use Christian terminology, many are stymied in their ability to effectively witness to them. How to Witness to a Mormon is a handy eBooklet that defines, documents, and refutes basic Mormon teachings. Jerry and Diana Benson offer practical tips on how to approach … Read more…

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The Unsaved Christian: Reaching Cultural Christianity with the Gospel

The Unsaved Christian: Reaching Cultural Christianity with the Gospel

by Dean Inserra

What to do when they say they’re Christian but don’t know Jesus Whether it’s the Christmas and Easter Christians or the faithful church attenders whose hearts are cold toward the Lord, we’ve all encountered cultural Christians. They’d check the Christian box on a survey, they’re fine with church, but the truth is, they&… Read more…

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An Even Better Christmas: Joy and Peace That Last All Year

An Even Better Christmas: Joy and Peace That Last All Year

by Matt Chandler

Christmas is great; in fact, it's better than all the commercial hype! In the midst of the gift-buying, make-everybody-happy, food-gorging craziness that is Christmas, Matt Chandler helps us stop… breathe… and refocus our hearts. In this personal, warm and compelling book, we see how the God of the Bible off… Read more…

Cold-Case Christianity Participant's Guide: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels

Cold-Case Christianity Participant's Guide: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels

by J. Warner Wallace

This fully-illustrated, eight-session guide takes participants through ten important principles employed by detectives, applying these techniques to the New Testament Gospel accounts.   Designed to work seamlessly with the original book and DVD, this guide is accessible and engaging for participants and leaders alike. It includes questions for reflectio… Read more…

Joyfully Spreading the Word: Sharing the Good News of Jesus

Joyfully Spreading the Word: Sharing the Good News of Jesus

by Gloria Furman, Megan Hill, Rosaria Butterfield, Rebecca Manley Pippert, Kathleen Nielson, Shar Bell, Camille Hallstrom, Happy Khambule, Jamie Love and Eowyn Stoddard

You can be a part of the spread of the gospel in the world.  Here are theological reflections and real stories from women from across the world who are eagerly sharing the good news of Jesus wherever God has placed them—showing us just how possible it is… Read more…

Margins of Islam: Ministry in Diverse Muslim Contexts

Margins of Islam: Ministry in Diverse Muslim Contexts

by Gene Daniels and Warrick Farah

“A global journey revealing multiple expressions of the Islamic faith… We no longer have any excuse to train others to reach all Muslims in the same way.”—J. D. Payne What do you do when “Islam” does not adequately describe the Muslims you know? Margins of Islam brings together a stellar collection of experienced missionary scholar-p… Read more…

(Number of titles: 317)