God Still Speaks Through Your Dreams: Are You Missing His Messages? - Olive Tree Bible Software

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God Still Speaks Through Your Dreams: Are You Missing His Messages?

For the Olive Tree Bible App

God Still Speaks Through Your Dreams: Are You Missing His Messages?
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God Still Speaks Through Your Dreams: Are You Missing His Messages?

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: God Still Speaks Through Your Dreams: Are You Missing His Messages?
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Author: Greg Cynaumon


If you're open to hearing God even when you're sleeping, your dreams can be a rich source of revelation and insight.

One man's dream saves his family from what could have been a deadly fire.

A fifty-two-year-old woman finally understands a dream she's been having since she was thirteen.

A policeman's dream warns a friend of a dangerous encounter with a suspect.

Church elders have the same dream about a change in the church's leadership.

A strange and frightening dream warns a mother of a potentially dangerous relationship in her son's life.

A dream confirms an East Indian man's decision to become a Christian.

As you read the details of these and other dreams that Dr. Greg Cynaumon describes you will find that they and the circumstances that surrounded them were more than conincidental. You will be convinced that God, who is concerned and involved in the lives of individuals, has somehting to say through dreams. And you won't want to miss His messages.

Dr. Cynaumon examines dreams from a perspective that is both scientific and biblical. He explores dream interpretation, explains some common dream symbols, and answers questions about dreams and their occurrences in Scripture. He also corrects several popular myths about dreams.

If you desire to unravel one of life's great mysteries but are wary of secular approaches to this subject, then you'll want to explore with Dr. Cynaumon how God still speaks through dreams.

ISBN: 9781418539887

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