I AM Standing Up: True Confessions of a Total Freak of Nature - Olive Tree Bible Software

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I AM Standing Up: True Confessions of a Total Freak of Nature

For the Olive Tree Bible App

I AM Standing Up: True Confessions of a Total Freak of Nature
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I AM Standing Up: True Confessions of a Total Freak of Nature

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: I AM Standing Up: True Confessions of a Total Freak of Nature
Publisher: Zonderkidz
Author: Luke Lang


Maybe you have days when you don’t feel so good about yourself… You’re not as tall or thin as you’d like, or maybe you don’t quite fit in or you just get left out. Well, you’ll start to feel a lot better about yourself once you start reading about Luke! Luke Lang calls himself a freak of nature. He’s a grown man who is the height of an average fifth grader—but that’s not what makes him a freak. He’s also about as wide as the average Sumo wrestler (but sadly, too uncoordinated to actually compete as a Sumo wrestler!). Luke knows what it’s like to feel left out or left behind. But he’s got a great sense of humor about his life’s misadventures, and he’s sharing the hysterical stories with you, in the hopes that you’ll feel encouraged—not just because you’re not as freaky as Luke, but because you’ll see that God can do extraordinary things through people who are pretty ordinary. While you’re reading Luke’s embarrassing stories, like the time he got beat up by a girl in Karate class or the time he was fighting for his life at Boy Scout camp, you’ll learn a little about God’s love and grace, and you’ll be reminded that you were created on purpose, for a purpose.

ISBN: 9780310569619

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