Reaching Generation Next: Effective Evangelism in Today's Culture - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Reaching Generation Next: Effective Evangelism in Today's Culture

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Reaching Generation Next: Effective Evangelism in Today's Culture
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Reaching Generation Next: Effective Evangelism in Today's Culture

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Reaching Generation Next: Effective Evangelism in Today's Culture
Publisher: Baker Books
Author: Calvin Miller and Lewis A. Drummond


Evangelism is at the core of Christianity. It is a life and death matter both for the salvation of individuals and for the continuing growth of the church. Although the message of the gospel never changes, its means of communication must be continually modified to reflect the thought patterns and worldview of our changing culture.
Reaching Generation Next is the perfect guide on how to effectively proclaim the gospel in today's postmodern culture. Both theological and practical, it provides Christian leaders and laypeople with a basic understanding of the essential aspects of evangelism and with foundational guidelines on how to evangelize.
Veteran evangelist Lewis Drummond helps Christians understand how and why today's generation thinks the way it does and offers, in capsule form, sensible answers and convincing reasons for faith. While providing a basic theology of evangelism and stressing the important role of leadership, the book's primary theme is that every believer must become an evangelist.
Reaching Generation Next is a great resource for evangelism training classes. Each chapter concludes with discussion questions. Also included are sections on spiritual awakening movements, evangelizing the disabled, and surveys for churches and individuals.
ISBN: 9781441215314

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