Evangelicals and Nicene Faith (Beeson Divinity Studies): Reclaiming the Apostolic Witness - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Evangelicals and Nicene Faith (Beeson Divinity Studies): Reclaiming the Apostolic Witness

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Evangelicals and Nicene Faith (Beeson Divinity Studies): Reclaiming the Apostolic Witness
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Evangelicals and Nicene Faith (Beeson Divinity Studies): Reclaiming the Apostolic Witness

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Evangelicals and Nicene Faith (Beeson Divinity Studies): Reclaiming the Apostolic Witness
Publisher: Baker Academic
Author: Timothy George


The Nicene Creed is the most universally accepted statement of Christian faith by Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox believers alike. In this volume, top scholars examine the Nicene Creed's connection with the evangelical tradition, helping readers see evangelicalism as a renewal movement within the one holy catholic and apostolic church. Particular focus is given to the Creed's practical outworking in the life of the church--its theology, spirituality, worship, and mission. Topics include pastoral work, biblical exegesis, the emerging phenomena, and Christian orthodoxy's revival in the Global South. The book helps readers present the traditional Christian faith to twenty-first-century people. Contributors include Thomas C. Oden, Gerald Bray, Carl E. Braaten, Curtis W. Freeman, Elizabeth Newman, and Ralph C. Wood, among others.
ISBN: 9781441234490

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