God's Plan for Our Good - Olive Tree Bible Software

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God's Plan for Our Good

For the Olive Tree Bible App

God's Plan for Our Good
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God's Plan for Our Good

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: God's Plan for Our Good
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Author: Paul Smith


We live in a broken world shaken by assaults, child abuse, earthquakes, ethnic cleansing, inoperable cancer, school shootings--the list is endless. Selfish, evil people seem to prosper, while good and loving people struggle through life. Observers cry out, How can a loving, caring God allow this to happen? 

"God alone is sovereign," responds author Paul Smith. "He has the big picture and is fitting together the broken pieces of His world. Our loving Father assures us that, regardless of how little we comprehend of His strategy or how painful our brokenness, He is weaving together every aspect and detail of our lives for the accomplishment of His great plan and purpose for us." 

And what is that plan? "In all things God works for the good of those who love him" (Romans 8:28). Join Dr. Paul Smith as he shows how God can use the very worst things that occur in our lives to accomplish the greatest and most delightful good things! Includes a Review and Study Guide.

ISBN: 9780802483355

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