Three Habits of Highly Contagious Christians: A Discussion Guide for Small Groups - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Three Habits of Highly Contagious Christians: A Discussion Guide for Small Groups

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Three Habits of Highly Contagious Christians: A Discussion Guide for Small Groups
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Three Habits of Highly Contagious Christians: A Discussion Guide for Small Groups

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Three Habits of Highly Contagious Christians: A Discussion Guide for Small Groups
Publisher: Zondervan
Author: Bill Hybels and Garry D. Poole


“Push the pause button on whatever it is your group is doing now and follow this guide—study it, discuss it, digest it, and apply it to your everyday life.”—Bill HybelsA small group discussion guide for equipping Christians to effectively reach seekers by building relationships, sharing a verbal witness, and extending invitations to outreach eventsThis discussion guide for small groups is based on the first three steps of Willow Creek’s seven-step strategy for turning irreligious people into fully devoted followers of Christ. Each session begins with a compelling story that sets the stage for group discussion and sparks ideas for putting into practice each of the three habits. Discussion questions walk participants through the emotional, motivational, and intellectual facets of each step and provide an opportunity to wrestle with the challenges and discoveries they make individually and as a group.The “Charting Your Journey” section helps participants go beyond discussion and move toward personal application. It provides an opportunity, before God and one another, to commit to specific actions that could make all the difference in the lives of seeking friends and family members.
ISBN: 9780310873976

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