Pocket Book of Prayers - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Pocket Book of Prayers

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Pocket Book of Prayers
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iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac, and Windows.

Pocket Book of Prayers

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Pocket Book of Prayers
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Author: Thomas Nelson


Featuring some of the most beautiful and profound prayers in the English language, The Pocket Book of Prayer is a superb companion for daily intercession and meditation. Drawing from the deep well of the history of Christian faith, this pocket-sized tome offers prayers from poets, theologians, church leaders, authors, and oral traditions. Here's a small sample of text:

Lord of the excluded,
Open my ears to those I would prefer not to hear,
Open my life to those I would prefer not to know,
Open my heart to those I would prefer not to love,
And so open my eyes to see
Where I exclude You.

-Iona Abbey Prayer

Appealing to a wade range of readers within the Judeo-Christian tradition, readers will want to buy multiple copies for their friends and relatives.

ISBN: 9781418552893

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