Ten Men of the Bible - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Ten Men of the Bible

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Ten Men of the Bible
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Ten Men of the Bible

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Ten Men of the Bible
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Author: Max Lucado


The men depicted in the Bible were not perfect by any means. We find story after story marked by scandal, failure, and intrigue. Yet we also find many stories of men who were able to look beyond their circumstances, completely trust in the Lord, and follow Him wherever He chose to them. Like us, these men made both good and bad decisions along the way—and experienced both good and bad consequences—and we find our struggles and hopes in the pages of the Bible that tells their stories.

In this 10-session workbook, Max Lucado tells some of his favorite stories of these men in the Bible. Stories include:


  1. Noah: When You're Low on Hope
  2. Job: The Most Famous Conversation in the Bible
  3. Jacob: Wrestling with the Past
  4. Moses: The Voice from the Mop Bucket
  5. David: Colossal Collapses
  6. Joseph: Unanswered Questions
  7. Matthew: Friend of Flops
  8. Peter: The Gospel of the Second Chance
  9. Lazarus: The Final Witness
  10. Paul: Don’t Write Off Anyone


Each session includes five insights on each character and Bible study questions to help you delve into the stories and apply them to your life.

ISBN: 9780718036980

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