Galatians: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC) - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Galatians: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Galatians: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)
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Galatians: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Galatians: Everyman's Bible Commentary (EvBC)
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Author: Howard F. Vos


Freedom, a concept which is often misunderstood today, actually involves a great deal of responsibility, love for others, and burden-bearing. In this letter to the Galatian churches, the apostle Paul spoke out on Christian liberty and freedom.

In this commentary, the author captures the emotion of a concerned apostle as he invites enslaved Christians to renounce a legalistic pattern of living and return to the liberty found in the life of faith. Matters of introduction and each of the epistle's subjects receive thorough attention.

Discussions of the meanings, tenses, and uses of the original Greek text of the epistle make this New Testament masterpiece come alive for the citizen of the twenty-first century. Scholarly, but easily understood, this commentary will help the reader discover and enjoy genuine freedom. 

Designed for lay people, the Everyman's Bible Commentary Series deals seriously with biblical texts without being overly technical.

ISBN: 9781575678245

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