Knowing the Holy Spirit: 52 Devotions to Grow Your Family's Faith - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Knowing the Holy Spirit: 52 Devotions to Grow Your Family's Faith

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Knowing the Holy Spirit: 52 Devotions to Grow Your Family's Faith
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Knowing the Holy Spirit: 52 Devotions to Grow Your Family's Faith

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Knowing the Holy Spirit: 52 Devotions to Grow Your Family's Faith
Publisher: David C Cook


These devotions feature simplified doctrine with easy-to-understand language so children will be engaged and able to follow along. The theological depth of these devotions will strengthen parents’ faith as well, providing a growing experience for children and parents together. Each devotion features a section specifically for growing children’s faith, including a topic or question to start a conversation about spiritual matters, and a simple closing prayer. With illustrations highlighting key concepts, parents and children together will treasure time spent with these devotions as they grow closer to God and one another.

ISBN: 9780830775767

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