Aging Matters: Finding Your Calling for the Rest of Your Life - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Aging Matters: Finding Your Calling for the Rest of Your Life

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Aging Matters: Finding Your Calling for the Rest of Your Life
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Aging Matters: Finding Your Calling for the Rest of Your Life

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Aging Matters: Finding Your Calling for the Rest of Your Life
Publisher: Eerdmans
Author: R. Paul Stevens


Academy of Parish Clergy’s Top Ten Books for Parish Ministry

Vocational discernment, says R. Paul Stevens, is a lifelong process — one that takes on even more significance in later life. In this book Stevens argues that our calling does not end with formal retirement; to the contrary, we do well to keep on working, if possible, till life's end.

Stevens delves into matters of calling, spirituality, and legacy in retirement, showing that we must continue to discern our vocation as we grow older in order to remain meaningfully engaged for the rest of our lives. He reframes retirement as a time of continued calling and productivity and points to biblical wisdom that can help us redefine aging as an extraordinarily fruitful season of life.

ISBN: 9781467445467

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