Paul and the Person: Reframing Paul's Anthropology - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Paul and the Person: Reframing Paul's Anthropology

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Paul and the Person: Reframing Paul's Anthropology
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Paul and the Person: Reframing Paul's Anthropology

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Paul and the Person: Reframing Paul's Anthropology
Publisher: Eerdmans
Author: Susan Grove Eastman


In this book Susan Grove Eastman presents a fresh and innovative exploration of Paul’s participatory theology in conversation with both ancient and contemporary conceptions of the self. Juxtaposing Paul, ancient philosophers, and modern theorists of the person, Eastman opens up a conversation that illuminates Paul’s thought in new ways and brings his voice into current debates about personhood.

ISBN: 9781467448390

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