Alcohol and Drug Abuse—Breaking Free and Staying Free
Many people who have an alcohol or drug abuse problem deny it, saying they can stop any time they want. But family and close friends suspect it might be something more. Do you often wonder, "Is it really an addiction?" And if so, do you know how to help your loved one to break free? Can a person be set free permanently from a chemical dependency? The mini-book Alcohol and Drug Abuse gives you the answers you need from a Christian perspective.
The answer is YES—there is hope! Christian recovery and healing can take place, and June Hunt, author of Alcohol and Drug Abuse: Breaking Free & Staying Free offers sound biblical and practical advice for helping your loved one quit the cycle of drug and alcohol abuse for good! The Lord wants to heal those struggling with addictions. It's never too late to ask God for a renewed soul, free from whatever weighs them down.
In just 96 pages, this mini-book will give you a good overview of the causes and signs of drug and alcohol abuse, and will give you the next steps to take. Getting educated is one of the steps. Learn the helpful definitions that clarify the difference between drug use, substance abuse, and dependency. Knowing these definitions will help you understand what type of addiction your loved one is dealing with. Other definitions include:
- Four major drug classifications
- Three leading indicators of addiction
- Codependency: both a relationship addiction and a substance addiction?
- How a person with an addiction can continue their destructive patterns.
June Hunt gives you practical advice on the symptoms of an alcoholic or drug addiction. Does your loved one have a chemical dependency? Find out in the 19-question checklist on drug or alcohol addiction provided in this book
The section titled "Steps to Solutions" is filled with Christian recovery advice including Scripture and practical steps that point to:
- Deliverance from dependency
- 7 don'ts for being freed from an addiction
- 10 spiritual tips for recovery
- How to conduct a crisis intervention
- And much more
This mini-book is a quick overview and is easy-to-understand. It focuses on the key issues and is perfect for the busy person who needs instant advice.
Look for all 25 titles in the Hope For The Heart Biblical Counseling Library. These mini-books are for people who seek freedom from codependency, anger, conflict, verbal and emotional abuse, depression, or other problems.
About the Author

June Hunt, M.A. Criswell College, is a biblical counselor whose award-winning radio program "Hope for the Heart" is heard on 900 radio outlets around the world. For more than 25 years, she has counseled people, offering them hope for today's problems. June has helped many people with emotional, relational, and spiritual problems experience God's love through biblical hope and practical advice.
Early family pain was the catalyst that shaped June's compassionate heart. Later, as a youth director, she became aware of the need for sound biblical counsel. After years of teaching and research, she developed a scripturally based counseling course covering topics such as marriage and parenting, depression and anger, stress and suicide. These topics are now available as the Aspire Press "Hope for the Heart" booklets.
"Hope from the Heart" is a half-hour teaching broadcast on these important topics in more than 60 countries on 6 continents. "Hope in the Night" is June's live two-hour call-in counseling program that helps people untie their tangled problems on air. Through her warmth, wisdom, and gentle candor, June prompts penetrating dialogue with listeners, often with life-changing results.
"Hope for the Heart" booklets have been published in 27 languages in several formats and are being translated into more. June is a popular guest professor at colleges and seminaries—and a sought-after speaker at conferences and religious broadcasting events. She teaches and speaks around the world on topics such as crisis counseling, child abuse, wife abuse, forgiveness, singleness, and self-worth.
Kay Arthur, Co-founder of Precept Ministries International, and author of When the Hurt Runs Deep-Healing and Hope for Life's Desperate Moments.
Stephen Arterburn, Founder of New Life Ministries and author of Healing Is a Choice.
Dr. Dorothy Kelley Patterson, Professor of Theology in Women's Studies, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Dr. Tony Evans, Senior Pastor, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, and President of The Urban Alternative.