Our God longs to restore that which is broken. Fractured relationships. Hurting families. Divided churches. No situation is beyond His grace. And most miraculous of all? He chooses to use broken people to heal broken situations. The book of 2 Samuel is a remarkable testimony to this truth. Here we find King David, a godly man reeling from tragic choices, struggling to unify a nation torn apart by civil war. This study looks at God's passion for restoring lives, relationships and His church, by working through those who are simply available to Him.
With definitions and insights like this, the "pastor of pastors" and phenomenal author Warren Wiersbe continues to enliven the Scriptures as he weaves the words of 2 Samuel with historical explanations and thought-provoking questions for every chapter, creating a study guide that can be used in personal Bible study or with a group. With over 4 million copies of his "Be" series alone in circulation, he is a man who has given his life to a deep examination of the Word of God, to communicating it in such a way that the masses see its relevance for today.