Discovering Matthew is an accessible introduction to the Gospel of Matthew. This guide by Ian Boxall aims to encourage in-depth study of the first of the Gospels. It is a commentary written for those that want to genuinely grapple with the theological and historical questions raised by the text by providing a map to the Gospel as a whole.
This introduction reflects on the sources, origins, themes and characters, covering a wide variety of topics and helping the reader understand the scholarly debates surrounding the Gospel of Matthew. Its biblical exegesis is perfect for those studying theology, bringing in historical context and current approaches to understanding scripture.
Special note: For the best experience when navigating this resource, we recommend setting the table of contents to list view. As an introductory series covering the theological and historical background of the text, much of the included information is broadly thematic and not verse-specific.
"Boxall's student-orientated guide to Matthew is expertly done." - Journal for the Study of The New Testament Booklist
"The book does well what Boxall claims to have accomplished: explore the Gospel and the myriad ways it has been interpreted. The clarity of the work makes it useful and beneficial for a student's first in-depth scholarly look at Matthew." - Restoration Quarterly
"Boxall has packed a lot of information into his book with a tight but limpid writing style, and a remarkable evenhandedness characterizes his discussion of disputed points. It would be hard to recommend, or even to imagine, a better contemporary introduction to the Gospel according to Matthew." - Robert H. Gundry, Westmont College
"No serious student of Matthew's Gospel should be without a copy." - Paula Gooder — Bible Society, UK
"Outstanding. . . . Full of thoughtful judgments, enabling even the experienced reader to see the text in quite a different way." - Nicholas King, University of Oxford
"A wide-ranging and insightful discussion of Matthew's Gospel that engages contemporary interpretations as well as those from across the ages. The result is a rich tapestry of readings that elaborate this complex, tensive Gospel." - Warren Carter, Brite Divinity School
Ian Boxall is Senior Tutor and Tutor in New Testament, St Stephen’s House, Oxford, and a member of the Faculty of Theology, University of Oxford. His most recent publications include Revelation: Vision and Insight (SPCK 2002), The Revelation of St John (Black’s New Testament Commentaries; Continuum/Hendrickson 2006), New Testament Interpretation (SCM Studyguides; SCM 2007) and The Books of the New Testament (SCM Studyguides; SCM 2007).