Huge Discounts on Maps, Atlases and Illustrated Titles - Celebrate the Ninth Day of Christmas
Huge Discounts on Maps, Atlases and Illustrated Titles - Celebrate the Ninth Day of Christmas
Huge Discounts on Maps, Atlases and Illustrated Titles - Celebrate the Ninth Day of Christmas
Huge Discounts on Maps, Atlases and Illustrated Titles - Celebrate the Ninth Day of Christmas
Huge Discounts on Maps, Atlases and Illustrated Titles - Celebrate the Ninth Day of Christmas
Huge Discounts on Maps, Atlases and Illustrated Titles - Celebrate the Ninth Day of Christmas
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Preaching for Special Services
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Did your resource mention a passage of Scripture, but you can't remember what the verse says? Never fear! Tap the linked verse and a pop-up window will appear, giving you quick and easy access to the verse in context.
Preaching for Special Services
For the Olive Tree Bible App
Publisher: Baker Books
Preaching for Special Services
Preaching for Special Services
For the Olive Tree Bible App
Publisher: Baker Books
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Did your resource mention a passage of Scripture, but you can't remember what the verse says? Never fear! Tap the linked verse and a pop-up window will appear, giving you quick and easy access to the verse in context.
Sooner or later, every pastor will be called on to conduct special services. Baptisms, weddings, funerals, infant presentations, and evangelistic services, each in their own way, challenge pastors to find the right words to mark the occasion.

Preaching for Special Services will help pastors prepare sermons for these special services. Each chapter explores a different occasion and offers the perspective, encouragement, and practical advice that pastors need as they plan their messages.

Through this useful book, pastors will discover how Christ-centered special occasion preaching can make a difference in the lives of their listeners.
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iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac, and Windows.
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