We’ve all heard about the classics and assume they’re great. Some of us have even read them on our own. But for those of us who remain a bit intimidated or simply want to get more out of our reading, Crossway’s Christian Guides to the Classics are here to help.
In these short guidebooks, popular professor, author, and literary expert Leland Ryken takes you through some of the greatest literature in history while answering your questions along the way.
Each book:
Includes an introduction to the author and work
Explains the cultural context
Incorporates published criticism
Defines key literary terms
Contains discussion questions at the end of each unit of the text
Lists resources for further study
Evaluates the classic text from a Christian worldview
This volume leads readers through the devotional poetry of three seventeenth-century poetic geniuses: John Donne, George Herbert, and John Milton.