In this day of unsettled world conditions, social tensions, and increasing crime and moral laxity, multitudes of people are emotionally disturbed. Christians, unfortunately, are not immune to mental stress, worry, and the assault of care and anxiety. This need not be so, for Christ and His Word offer the answer.
Dr. Little, author of Nervous Christians, is a Christian pyschiatrist with many years of experience in dealing with the mental and psychological problems of uncounted men and women. He combines the skill of a trained physician with a dedicated Christian's knowledge of God's Word and God's love. He takes into consideration the factors other psychiatrists weigh, but also considers the part played by Satan the deceiver in the life of troubled Christians.
A careful reading of this book will help you to understand more clearly why so many people, even Christians, become disturbed and confused, and how such difficulties can be cured through Christ. You will find the book interesting, enlightening, and most helpful.