James' epistle is a manual for practical godliness, instructing us to put our faith into action in the real world. Guides us to apply James' message to our hearts and lives. Everything is here: facing trials, blaming God for misfortunes, snobbery, sharp tongues, faith and works, squabbling churches, worldliness, use of money and so on: there is a word for us all to lay up in our hearts and put into practice in our lives. Christians constantly need a recurrent emphasis upon the practical instructions of God's Word - the words that say, 'Do this' and 'Don't do that', and address the nuts and bolts of daily attitudes and actions. Herein lies the great usefulness of the epistle of James... It is a manual for practical godliness, which, when truly written on our hearts with power, will transform us as individual believers and as Christian fellowships.