“Behold, my covenant is with you, and you shall be the father of a multitude of nations.” —Genesis 17:4
Throughout the Bible, God has related to his people through covenants. It is through these covenant relationships, which collectively serve as the foundation for God’s promise to bring redemption to his people, that we can understand the advancement of his kingdom. This book walks through six covenants from Genesis to Revelation, helping us grasp the overarching narrative of Scripture and see the salvation God has planned for us since the beginning of time—bolstering our faith in God and giving us hope for the future.
The Short Studies in Biblical Theology series is designed to help readers see the whole Bible as a unified story—culminating in Jesus. Written by a host of trusted biblical scholars, pastors, professors, and leaders, the volumes in this unique series each trace an important topic throughout God’s word, from Genesis to Revelation, demonstrating the unifying flow of rendemptive history and exploring its relevance to the Christian life.
Insightful, accessible, and practical, these books are perfect for laypeople looking for bite-sized introductions to major subjects and key themes in biblical theology. Furthermore, pastors and professors will find this series to be an invaluable resource for brushing up on their grasp of the field as a whole. Series editors are Dane C. Ortlund, PhD, and Miles Van Pelt, PhD.
"As one of the preeminent biblical scholars of our day, Thomas Schreiner is well qualified to write on the critically important biblical theme of covenant. This short volume is a clear, concise, biblically grounded, and balanced presentation of the biblical covenants, ideal as a resource for both the church and academy." - Mark L. Strauss, Professor of New Testament, Bethel Seminary San Diego
Simply brilliant! Thomas Schreiner manages to capture both the fine detail and the broad sweep of the covenantal shape of the Bible concisely, faithfully, and irenically. This book may be short, but it is fresh and deeply profound. I know of no better introduction to this vital area of biblical theology. There are, of course, specific areas where readers may disagree with his conclusions, but that doesn’t detract from the unique usefulness of this book." - J. Gary Millar, Principal, Queensland Theological College, Australia; author, Calling on the Name of the Lord and Now Choose Life; coauthor, Saving Eutychus
"There is nothing like an understanding of the covenants that God makes with his people to open one’s eyes to the way God deals with his image bearers. It at once unlocks the whole Bible and makes plain God’s way of salvation. Thomas Schreiner brings his theological and biblical acumen to bear upon this topic with the precision of an expert. The result is a fresh and stimulating study of this all-important subject. If you want to grow in faith as you face the future in God’s world, then put on your thinking cap and read this book! - Conrad Mbewe, Pastor, Kabwata Baptist Church; Senior Lecturer, African Christian University, Lusaka, Zambia
Thomas R. Schreiner (MDiv and ThM, Western Conservative Baptist Seminary; PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is the James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation and associate dean of the school of theology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.