But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:15–16
Disobedience. It’s normal, right? For hundreds of years, the Church has struggled with how to overcome sin in the Christian life. We know that the cross takes care of our past sins at salvation and assures us life after death. But what do we do with the time in between? Many Christians go through life sinning and confessing, sinning and confessing, but they never get beyond that. Is that better than sinning and not confessing? Absolutely: but it is not enough if you want to grow.
Contrary to most evangelical teaching today, Christian obedience is meant to be glad-hearted, willing, and normal. In Dead and Alive, Jim Wilson discusses the neglected requirement of obedience and explains God’s provision for it from Scripture. May these thoughts lead you into a victorious, obedient life in Christ.
Jim Wilson, a pastor in Moscow, Idaho, since 1971, was the director of Community Christian Ministries for over thirty years. Before that, he served as a naval officer for nine years and worked with Officers Christian Fellowship for another twelve. He is a father of four, grandfather of fifteen, and great-grandfather of twenty-six and counting.