A Journey through the Unfolding Promises of God
The Bible is the epic story of the unfolding plan of God over the course of the history of the world. The Story of Redemption Bible: A Journey through the Unfolding Promises of God leads readers on a journey through this storyline from start to finish, with conversational commentary written by Pastor Greg Gilbert interspersed throughout the full ESV text. With the aim of encouraging interaction and contemplation passage by passage, Gilbert explains how every part of Scripture fits together and is ultimately centered on Christ. Particularly suitable to those who are new to the Bible but rich with insights for even the most seasoned Bible reader, the Story of Redemption Bible will draw readers in as they see their place in the greatest story ever told.
- 897 notes written by Pastor Greg Gilbert
- All-new introductions to each book of the Bible
- 80+ maps, illustrations, and timelines
“The Bible is united by a single plot centering on Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of the Father—but sometimes we lose the trail. Greg Gilbert helps us find it again in his excellent commentary throughout this Bible.” —Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California; Host, White Horse Inn; author, Core Christianity
“How I wish I had had a Bible like this a long time ago—a Bible that briefly yet clearly sets each passage of Scripture in the context of the larger story of the Bible. I look forward to recommending this resource to many who want to go deeper in understanding how the Bible fits together.” —Nancy Guthrie, author, Even Better than Eden: Nine Ways the Bible’s Story Changes Everything about Your Story
“Too many view the Bible as a disconnected series of moral tales interspersed between impossible commandments, woven into a maze of mysteries that somehow produces a message about a nice Jesus in the New Testament to counter the mean God of the Old Testament. Greg Gilbert carefully and pastorally undoes such a view by showing how all the parts of the Bible contribute to the single story thread of a gracious God who is determined to overcome sinful humanity’s choices and corruptions with the redemptive work of Christ Jesus.” —Bryan Chapell, Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church, Peoria, Illinois
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