Sessions with Psalms is a ten-session study unit designed to explore what it looks like for the words of the psalms to become the words of our prayers. Each session is followed by a thought-provoking page of questions that allow for a deeper experience of the scriptural passages. These resource pages can be used by seminar leaders during preparation and group discussion, as well as in individual Bible study.
The book of Psalms is indeed the church’s prayer book. If we tell the truth about ourselves, then these are our prayers. If we are looking for ten easy steps to prayer, then the psalms are not the right option. But if we want to deepen our relationships with God and each other, our understanding of ourselves and of Scripture, and open ourselves to transformation, then the psalms are exactly the right word.
The Sessions Series is a set of Bible studies designed to encourage a deeper encounter with Scripture. Each volume includes eight to ten lessons as well as resources to facilitate preparation, class discussion, or individual Bible Study. The Sessions series editor is Michael D. McCullar.
Eric Porterfield serves as senior pastor at Winter Park Baptist Church in Wilmington, North Carolina. Alicia Davis Porterfield is a Board Certified Chaplain, Life Coach, writer, and itinerant preacher. Both graduates of Duke Divinity School, Eric and Alicia enjoy learning, laughing, reading, and serving with their three sons, ages 9, 11, and 13.