The Zondervan Biblical and Theological Lectures series provides a unique audio learning experience. Unlike a traditional audiobook's direct narration of a book's text, The New Testament in Its World: Audio Lectures includes high quality live-recordings of college-level lectures that cover the important points from each subject as well as relevant material from other sources.
Enter the world of the New Testament. A companion to The New Testament in Its World by N. T. Wright and Michael F. Bird, these lectures serve as your passageway from the twenty-first century to the era of Jesus and the first Christians. In part 1, professors Wright and Bird will guide you through how to read the New Testament, the world of Jesus and the early church, approaches to studying the historical Jesus, the historical context of the death and resurrection of Jesus, and much more.
Learn about the New Testament in its World and listen to an excerpt:
This part 1 includes these lectures:
Intro to the Course
- Beginning Study of the New Testament
- The New Testament as History
- The New Testament as Literature
- The New Testament as Theology
- The History of the Jews Between the Persian and Roman Empires
- The Jewish Context of Jesus and the Early Church
- The Greco-Roman Context of the Early Church
- The Study of the Historical Jesus
- The Profile and Praxis of a Prophet
- Who Did Jesus Think He Was?
- The Death of the Messiah
- The afterlife in Greek, Roman, and Jewish Thought
- The Story of Easter According to the apostle Paul
- The Story of Easter According to the Evangelists
- The Story of Paul’s Life and Ministry
- A Primer on Pauline Theology
Short bonus lectures have also been included:
- The Bema Seat
- Critical Realism
- Faith in Jesus Christ or Faith of Jesus Christ
- Holy Spirit
- Major Philosophies
- Paul and Virtue
- Persecuted Church
- Principalities
- Why Do Historical Bible Studies?
- Resurrection
- Pauline Chronology
- Early Christian Baptism
- The Lord's Supper
This product can be purchased alone, or as part of the New Testament in Its World Collection including the workbook, the text, and part one and part two of the audio lectures.
N. T. Wright is the Chair of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. He is the award-winning author of many books, including After You Believe, Surprised by Hope, Simply Christian, The Challenge of Jesus, and The Meaning of Jesus (coauthored with Marcus Borg), as well as the series Christian Origins and the Question of God.
Michael F. Bird is Academic Dean and lecturer in theology at Ridley College in Melbourne, Australia. He is the author of Jesus and the Origins of the Gentile Mission, The Saving Righteousness of God, Evangelical Theology, Romans (Story of God Bible Commentary Series), The Gospel of the Lord: How the Early Church Wrote the Story of Jesus, and editor of The Apostle Paul: Four Views.