A happy heart is good medicine
On October 8, 2015, Victoria Jackson was getting ready for a 45-minute stand-up routine. But instead of enjoying the pre-show excitement, she was laying on the couch in the green room coughing nonstop.
Victoria had many scary moments growing up: doing a back handspring on the four-inch balance beam; performing stand-up comedy; auditioning for Saturday Night Live; and getting held at gunpoint in downtown Los Angeles. But being told she had cancer was her scariest moment.
Join Victoria for twenty-one days as she:
- wonders “why me?” and if her lollipop addiction caused the cancer
- writes a ukulele song in the MRI waiting room
- undergoes a double mastectomy with secret messages written in permanent marker to her doctor
- goes through chemotherapy, radiation, baldness, wigs, wigs, and more wigs
- discovers that Jesus is enough
- performs at Zanie’s to a standing ovation nearly one year after her diagnosis
If you are one of the one-in-eight women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, or if you know someone who has been, this 21-day devotional is full of humor, insight, and comfort as you walk with God through this dark valley.