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For the Olive Tree Bible App
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Science and the Mind of the Maker: What the Conversation Between Faith and Science Reveals about God
Melissa Cain Travis
Science and the Mind of the Maker: What the Conversation Between Faith and Science Reveals about God
Melissa Cain Travis
Richard F. Carlson, Longman III, Tremper LongmanIII
Richard F. Carlson, Longman III, Tremper LongmanIII
Nabeel Qureshi
Nabeel Qureshi
John Marriott, Sean McDowell
John Marriott, Sean McDowell
John Marriott, Sean McDowell
John Marriott, Sean McDowell
John C. Lennox
John C. Lennox
John C. Lennox
John C. Lennox
Eric Johnson, Sean McDowell
Eric Johnson, Sean McDowell
Sean McDowell, J. Warner Wallace
Sean McDowell, J. Warner Wallace
Sean McDowell, J. Warner Wallace
Sean McDowell, J. Warner Wallace
For the Olive Tree Bible App
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Science and the Mind of the Maker: What the Conversation Between Faith and Science Reveals about God
Melissa Cain Travis
Science and the Mind of the Maker: What the Conversation Between Faith and Science Reveals about God
Melissa Cain Travis
Richard F. Carlson, Longman III, Tremper LongmanIII
Richard F. Carlson, Longman III, Tremper LongmanIII
Nabeel Qureshi
Nabeel Qureshi
John Marriott, Sean McDowell
John Marriott, Sean McDowell
John Marriott, Sean McDowell
John Marriott, Sean McDowell
John C. Lennox
John C. Lennox
John C. Lennox
John C. Lennox
Eric Johnson, Sean McDowell
Eric Johnson, Sean McDowell
Sean McDowell, J. Warner Wallace
Sean McDowell, J. Warner Wallace
Sean McDowell, J. Warner Wallace
Sean McDowell, J. Warner Wallace