Fasting Journal: Your Personal 21-Day Guide to a Successful Fast - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Fasting Journal: Your Personal 21-Day Guide to a Successful Fast

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Fasting Journal: Your Personal 21-Day Guide to a Successful Fast
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Fasting Journal: Your Personal 21-Day Guide to a Successful Fast

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Fasting Journal: Your Personal 21-Day Guide to a Successful Fast
Publisher: Charisma House
Author: Jentezen Franklin


"New York Times"-bestselling author Franklin offers the necessary keys to experiencing powerful transformation in this 21-day fasting journal. Each day provides a specific focus for prayers and fasting, and includes specific reminders of what to expect both physically and spiritually during a fast.

ISBN: 9781599797717

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