Jesus’ Resurrection: What Historical Evidence? - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Jesus’ Resurrection: What Historical Evidence?

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Jesus’ Resurrection: What Historical Evidence?
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iPad, iPhone, Android and Windows running app version 7.3 and above.

Audio Book

Jesus’ Resurrection: What Historical Evidence?

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Jesus’ Resurrection: What Historical Evidence?
Publisher: 1517 The Legacy Project
Author: John Warwick Montgomery
Length: 1 hrs. 51 min.


Centuries ago St. Paul stated the issue succinctly: "If Christ was not raised from the dead, then neither our preaching nor your faith has any meaning at all" (I Cor. 15:14, Phillips) Dr. Montgomery presents the case for the historicity of the resurrection, and the reliability of the New Testament accounts of the resurrection. Dr. Grabbe, Dean of the Theology Department at the University of Hull, argues that very little is known or knowable about what may have happened. What actually did happen that first Easter Sunday? And why can we confidently affirm, "He is risen; He is risen indeed."

ISBN: 9781683663157

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