Samuel, the last judge of Israel, presided over the reign of Saul and the anointing of David. F.B. Meyer recounts, in his matchless prose, the life of Samuel. Samuel: The Prophet is no ordinary biography. Meyer pulls from all over the Old and New Testaments to provide a brilliant picture of Samuel's life and extract the applications of Samuel's experiences to a daily Christian walk. From Hannah's committing of Samuel to the Lord to the anointing of David, Samuel's story is a bridge between Samson and David and covers the tragic reign of Saul.
One of the greatly loved preachers of his day, Frederick Brotherton Meyer was a pastor, author, Bible teacher and evangelist. He was born in London in 1847 and grew up in a Christian home. In 1895 he went to Christ Church in London, with only 100 attending. Within two years he was preaching regularly to over 2,000. He remained there for fifteen years and then began a ministry of conference preaching and evangelism, traveling to South Africa and the Far East on mission endeavors. He returned to England to pastor for several years before he died in 1929.