Preacher and author Thomas Manton provides enlightening discussion on the book of James, the "Proverbs of the New Testament."
The epistle of James abounds with punch and clarity. Amazingly relevant and practical for our age, it continues to be a popular New Testament book for followers of Christ. Its themes, which include good works issuing out of genuine faith, equal treatment of the rich and poor, taming the tongue, heavenly wisdom, and patience in the midst of suffering, have brought great encouragement to God's people.
This enlightening commentary puts these important issues in perspective and reveals the full content of this noteworthy Bible book.
Throughout the history of Christianity, many great minds have devoted themselves to the study and exploration of the Bible in pursuit of spiritual insight. Believers today are fortunate to benefit from this impressive history of inquiry and inspiration.
The Crossway Classic Commentary series is a collection of book-by-book biblical commentaries covering the Old and the New Testaments, written by intellectual and spiritual giants of the Christian tradition and carefully translated and adapted for the modern reader. Authors include ministers, preachers, and scholars such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, Charles Hodge, Matthew Henry, and more.
Each title includes an introduction to the biblical text by series editors Alister McGrath and J. I. Packer.