First published in 1932, Louis Berkhof's Systematic Theology has remained one of the most important and widely-used systematic theologies. Written during his tenure at Calvin Theological Seminary and mostly transcribed from his lectures between 1926 and 1928, this work provides one of the clearest articulations of Reformed theology. Written in a scholarly yet simple style, Berkhof's work is widely used in Bible colleges and seminaries and is oft cited by pastors, theologians, and students. Since its first publication in 1932, this systematic theology has been revised, reprinted, and translated into several languages.
Theologian Wayne Grudem has called Berkhof's Systematic Theology "a great treasure-house of information and analysis... probably the most useful one-volume systematic theology available from any theological perspective."
Note: The Olive Tree version contains the text of the 1949 edition, which does not include the Introduction to Systematic Theology that is found in more recent print versions.