2 Peter was widely circulated throughout the early church to warn people to watch out for the false teachers that were appearing in the church, Leading to immorality and the loss of its witness. Peter was very concerned that those who say that Christ will not return should not make the church feel that Christ has abandoned them. Jude's theme is similar and also points the church towards the evidence of believers who heard Jesus "to fight on for the faith which once and for all God has given to his people".
Focus on the Bible commentaries are popular level commentaries especially useful for pastors and small group leaders. They are also useful for personal devotions and spiritual growth. The series holds to the inerrancy of scripture and the uniqueness of Christ in salvation.
Dr. Paul Gardner was previously a lecturer in New Testament at Oak Hill Theological College in London and a Rural Dean in the Church of England. In 2005, after serving as Archdeacon of Exeter for three years, Dr. Gardner moved to the United States and now serves as the Senior Minister at Christ Church Presbyterian, Atlanta, Georgia.