Whatever the question - the answer is in Proverbs!
No book of the Bible gives the Christian more practical advice than Proverbs. It covers personal problems like sex, ambition, anxiety, fear, money; family matters such as marriage, parenting, discipline and education; social questions like neighbourliness, friendship, disputes and litigation; and even politics, both from the ruler's and citizen's viewpoint!
The revolutionary method employed in this commentary combines two different approaches. Firstly, the verse-by-verse approach and secondly, the thematic style. Most modern commentaries on Proverbs don't cover every verse, as this one does. Most other commentaries also don't show the thematic nature of the book of Proverbs.
Eric Lane shows his long investigation into the text by giving a comprehensive thematic index of topics covered. This means that whilst every verse is covered, each chapter is arranged topically, making it more reader-friendly.
Eric Lane succeeds brilliantly in bringing us a study of Proverbs that can be used as a devotional aid or bible study companion. He reveals Proverbs as something more than a disconnected collection of inspired sayings!
Focus on the Bible commentaries are popular level commentaries especially useful for pastors and small group leaders. They are also useful for personal devotions and spiritual growth. The series holds to the inerrancy of scripture and the uniqueness of Christ in salvation.
"Here is a book which is orthodox, evangelical and reformed. It is characterised throughout by a profound sense of seriousness - manifestly written from a depth of personal experience and written not simply to inform the mind but to transform life... useful material for discussion and for study groups as well as for personal thought and meditation...I warmly commend this book." - Evangelicals Now
Eric Lane trained to be a minister in the Church of England where he remained for 7 years. He was then called to be the minister of an Independent Evangelical Church where he pastored for 30 further years. Now retired Eric's special interest is in the 'Wisdom' books of the Old Testament