Are you struggling to put the basics of the Christian faith into words? Let the wisdom distilled from over 300 pastors and theologians from every corner of Africa help you. From the creation story that opens the Bible to the glorious return of Jesus Christ at the end of time, answers to your questions are at your fingertips in this handy guide. Is the Old Testament still valid now that we have the New Testament? Is God doing miracles today? Does the Bible teach that women are inferior to men? Can I be authentically Christian and still be authentically African? Overviews and key points of each book helps you decide what your church should study next, in light of the challenges you are facing. Situating each book in the context of the whole Bible clarifies truths that are less clear when taken out of context. This guide will help you understand, from a biblical perspective, how the visible world connects with the realities of the unseen world surrounding us. Words matter! In this book, find the words to express the foundations of your life and faith to the needy world around you.