Discover the Heart of God Through the Old Testament
Knowing God Through the Old Testament brings together three of Christopher J. H. Wright's best loved books: Knowing God the Father Through the Old Testament, Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament, and Knowing the Holy Spirit Through the Old Testament. Each volume focuses on one of the three persons of the Trinity. Here's what you'll find in each part:
Knowing God the Father Through the Old Testament
- Explores images found in biblical narratives, psalms, and prophetic texts of the Old Testament
- Depicts God as both tender and terrifying, challenging to nations yet deeply personal
- Highlights God's loving care, provision, discipline, and forgiveness
- Describes the God Jesus knew, and the one we can know as Father
Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament
- Explores Jesus' self-understanding as both Son of Man and Son of God from his deep roots in the Hebrew Scriptures
- Reveals Jesus as the one who fulfilled Israel's God-given mission
- Emphasizes that understanding the Old Testament brings us closer to the heart of Jesus
Knowing the Holy Spirit Through the Old Testament
- Explores the presence of the Holy Spirit in the decrees of prophets and psalmists, the actions of judges and craftspeople, the anointing of kings, and the promise of a new creation
- Shows how Holy Spirit empowered God's people throughout the Bible
- Reveals the Holy Spirit sustaining and renewing the earth
Knowing God Through the Old Testament will strengthen and deepen your personal relationship with the triune God by enabling you to know him through deep immersion and engagement with his Word, especially in the less familiar voices of the Old Testament. This is a voyage of biblical discovery, crossing many horizons and exploring especially the sources of our knowledge of God the Holy Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Get your copy today!