"The Gospel of Luke was written to give Christians certainty. That alone makes it a priceless part of Scripture, and a must-read for you and me."
Join Mike McKinley as he opens up the first half of the Gospel of Luke, helping you get to grips with its meaning and showing how it transforms our hearts and lives today.
Luke wrote his Gospel to offer his first readers, and his readers today, certainty over the truth of the gospel, and joy that God's promises have been fulfilled with the coming of his King.
With a close attention to the text and a focus on real-life application, Mike McKinley brings face to face with Jesus in a way that is fresh and compelling for both experienced and new readers of the first twelve chapters of Luke's Gospel.
Written for people of every age and stage, from enquirers to new believers to pastors and teachers, this flexible resource is for you to:
- READ: As a guide to these gripping events, helping you to see Christ and marvel at God's power, plans and love.
- FEED: As a daily devotional to help you grow in Christ as you read and meditate on this portion of God's word.
- LEAD: As notes to aid you in explaining, illustrating and applying this book as you preach or lead a Bible study.
Whoever you are, and however you use it, this is...Luke 1-12 for You.
Mike McKinley is the author of Passion, Did the devil make me do it? and Church Planting is for Wimps. Since 2005 he has been pastor of Sterling Park Baptist Church in Sterling, Virginia. Before that, he served on the pastoral staff of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC, having received his MDiv from Westminster Theological Seminary. Mike is married to Karen, and they have five children.