Table of Contents:
1. The Age of the Spirit and Revival
2. Trust in the Incarnate Word
3. Our Glorious Adoption: Trinitarian-Based and Transformed Relationships
4. Paul and James: Are We Justified by Faith or by Faith and Works?
5. Gethsemane’s King-Lamb: A Sermon on John 18:7–8, 12–13a
6. The Man of Sin: 2 Thessalonians 2:1–12
7. Delighting in God: A Guide to Sabbath-Keeping
8. God-Centered Theology in the Ministry of the Word
9. Calvin on Sovereignty, Providence, and Predestination
10. Reading the Puritans
11. Godefridus Udemans: Life, Influence, and Writings
12. John Bunyan on Justification
13. Reformed Orthodoxy in North America
14. The Perspicuity of Scripture
15. Laurence Chaderton: His Life and Ecclesiology
16. Natural Theology: Some Historical Perspective
17. Calvin as an Experiential Preacher
18. The Puritans on Conscience and Casuistry
19. Assurance of Salvation: The Insights of Anthony Burgess
20. Wilhelmus à Brakel’s Biblical Ethics of Spirituality
21. Images of Union and Communion with Christ
22. Puritans on the Family: Recent Publications
23. Consider Christ in Affliction: An Open Letter to True Believers
24. Learning from the Puritans on Being Salt and Light
25. Puritans on Marital Love
26. God-Centered Adult Education
27. Plain Preaching Demonstrating the Spirit and His Power
28. How to Evaluate Your Sermons
29. Practical Application in Preaching
30. Authentic Ministry: Servanthood, Tears, and Temptations
31. Children in the Church
32. The Minister’s Helpmeet
33. Unprofessional Puritans and Professional Pastors: What the Puritans Would Say to Modern Pastors
34. Catechism Preaching
35. A Life in the Word
36. Why You and Your Family Should Go to Church: Biblical Answers to “Churchless Christianity”
37. Interview with Joel Beeke about Reformed Churches and Seminaries
38. Handling Error in the Church: Martin Downes Interviewing Joel R. Beeke
39. Practical Lessons for Today from the Life of Idelette Calvin
40. Rediscovering the Laity: The Reformation in the Pew and in the Classroom
41. In Commemoration of the Heidelberg Catechism’s 450th Anniversary: The Catechism as a Confession of Faith
42. How to Battle Hostility and Secularism
43. Busy but Fruitful: How to Manage Time
44. Nurturing Intimate Communication with Your Spouse