Journey: Living by Faith in an Uncertain World - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Journey: Living by Faith in an Uncertain World

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Journey: Living by Faith in an Uncertain World
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Journey: Living by Faith in an Uncertain World

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Journey: Living by Faith in an Uncertain World
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Author: Billy Graham


With insight that only comes from a life spent with God, The Journey is filled with wisdom, encouragement, hope, and inspiration for anyone who wants to live a happier, more fulfilling life.

In this culminating work of a lifetime, the remarkable Billy Graham invites you to join him in discovering God's plan for this exciting journey called life. Wherever you are in your journey – just beginning, at the middle, or near the end -- you've already learned that life offers a variety of paths.

The good news is that we aren't alone. Graham knows that not only did God carve out the path for us, but He wants to join us on the journey -- to help us with challenges along the way, and eventually lead us home.

In The Journey, you will discover:

  • How to know God through his son The Lord Jesus Christ
  • Encouragement and great recaps on the basics of faith in Jesus
  • Answers some of the difficult questions that a lot of skeptics ask

Seasoned with many personal stories from his own life, this magnum opus from Graham offers guidance with the hope that God will use it to help you begin a new journey.

ISBN: 9781418525637

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