The Jesus Life: Eight Ways to Recover Authentic Christianity - Olive Tree Bible Software

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The Jesus Life: Eight Ways to Recover Authentic Christianity

For the Olive Tree Bible App

The Jesus Life: Eight Ways to Recover Authentic Christianity
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The Jesus Life: Eight Ways to Recover Authentic Christianity

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: The Jesus Life: Eight Ways to Recover Authentic Christianity
Publisher: David C Cook
Author: Stephen W. Smith


Lost? Explore the way to life!

We've lost the way that leads to life. With competing priorities and rival demands, we're more confused than ever in how to live the life Jesus offers. Is it the church way, the American way, or the busy way? With so many ways facing us, we're more paralyzed than alive; more perplexed than sure; more bewildered than confident. The Jesus Life offers eight compelling ways to help us rediscover what it really means to follow Jesus in the 21st century.

ISBN: 9780781408394

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