Covenant and Hope: Christian and Jewish Reflections - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Covenant and Hope: Christian and Jewish Reflections

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Covenant and Hope: Christian and Jewish Reflections

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Covenant and Hope: Christian and Jewish Reflections

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Covenant and Hope: Christian and Jewish Reflections
Publisher: Eerdmans
Author: Robert W. Jenson and Eugene Korn


Covenant and Hope centers around two main themes in Jewish-Christian dialogue: "Covenant, Mission, and Relation to the Other" and "Hope and Responsibility for the Human Future." In the first section scholars from both faiths analyze the idea of covenant, how it determines their religious commitments, behavior, and theology, and how their covenantal theology shapes their relations with people outside their religious communities. The second section focuses on the foundation for religious hope, how belief in the future can be nourished, and on our practical and philosophic responsibility to work for a better human future.

ISBN: 9781467436021

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