Believers in general will be enriched by this volume because the public prayers of Charles Spurgeon were full of doctrine and encouragement from Scripture. But this book should especially appeal to the pastor whose pulpit prayers might become stale, repetitious, or run-of-the-mill. Reading the prayers of great giants of the faith like Spurgeon aid in sharpening the prayers of those who pray publicly.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) converted to Christianity at the age of fifteen. By the age of twenty-two, he was the most popular preacher in England, and remained so for the latter half of the 1800s. He frequently spoke to crowds over 10,000 in the days before electronic amplification. Known as the "Prince of Preachers," he delivered nearly thirty-six hundred sermons throughout his life. A prolific writer as well, many of Spurgeon's works remain in print to this day.