For many people around the world, Bibles and Bible study materials are simply not available. The Fire Bible, originally known as the Full Life Study Bible and later called the Life in the Spirit Bible, was created to provide a one-book library that would give pastors and lay leaders tools to allow them to preach, teach, and reach others with the Gospel from a solid theological basis emphasizing the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. This Bible that has fueled the flames of global revival and church growth is now available to you.
See How Study Bibles Work in the Olive Tree Bible App
The quoted verses in the Fire Bible Study Notes are from the New International Version.
NOTE: The Fire Bible Study Notes product only contains the Fire Bible Study Notes. For instructions on how to download the NIV Bible text for free go here. The NIV Bible text (or the Bible translation of your choice) uses the Olive Tree Bible App's powerful Study Center feature to link these two resources.