We all want to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, what we were made for. Yet a calling feels like something held for the exclusive few. In You Are Free, Rebekah Lyons dismantles that idea to remind us that God has specific plans for each one of us if we have ears to hear the still small voice of a Father that beckons.
Rebekah has traveled the country vulnerably sharing her struggles to hear God and follow Him. “I have prayed with hands laid for deliverance on women considering suicide, experiencing trauma, fighting cancer, holding off divorce, or overcoming addiction. These women, battle weary and wounded, are saying, ‘I’m done with the life I’ve created. I want to expect more from a passionate and relentless God. Please set me free’”
Abiding in God’s presence will bring us answers and sustain our life from a new place of freedom. You Are Free is a prophetic call for women to be who they’ve been designed to be, and to truly run free.