Resources by Catherine Hickem - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by Catherine Hickem

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Heaven in Her Arms: Why God Chose Mary to Raise His Son and What It Means for You

Heaven in Her Arms: Why God Chose Mary to Raise His Son and What It Means for You

by Catherine Hickem

Narrated by Catherine Hickem

Jesus is Mary's son and Jesus is the Son of God. The God of the universe hand picked Mary to raise His Son!Mary was there the day Jesus was born, and she was there the day he was crucified. Her story is deep and rich and has myriad lessons for any woman - mothers, daughters, sisters, friends.Mary's story reveals that a woman's heart is important … Read more…

Heaven in Her Arms: Why God Chose Mary to Raise His Son and What It Means for You

Heaven in Her Arms: Why God Chose Mary to Raise His Son and What It Means for You

by Catherine Hickem

Jesus is Mary’s son and Jesus is the Son of God. The God of the universe hand picked Mary to raise His Son! Mary was there the day Jesus was born and she was there the day he was crucified. Her story is deep and rich and has myriad lessons for any woman—mothers, daughters, sisters, friends. Mary’s story reveals that a woman’s heart is important to … Read more…

Crianza sin remordimientos: Crie hijos buenos y sepa que lo está haciendo bien

Crianza sin remordimientos: Crie hijos buenos y sepa que lo está haciendo bien

by Catherine Hickem

Una experta en maternidad enseña los siete principios esenciales que toda madre necesita para criar a sus hijos con paso firme.Todas las madres desean que sus hijos crezcan felices, sanos y satisfechos. Pero el camino para lograrlo puede estar lleno de indecisión, preocupaciones y dudas en retrospectiva. Pregúntale a cualquier madre si cree estar haciendo… Read more…

Regret Free Parenting: Raise Good Kids and Know You're Doing It Right

Regret Free Parenting: Raise Good Kids and Know You're Doing It Right

by Catherine Hickem

 Are my kids ready for the world? Did I teach them the right things? What if I made a bad decision that affects them forever? What could I have done differently?Moms have a list of worries a mile long about their parenting. They fear they’ll spend twenty years raising children—only to discover they missed investing in and teaching the things… Read more…