Resources by Richella Parham - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by Richella Parham

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Mythical Me: Finding Freedom from Constant Comparison

Mythical Me: Finding Freedom from Constant Comparison

by Richella Parham

IVP Readers' Choice AwardDo you ever find yourself stuck in the comparison trap?Speaker and author Richella Parham knows what this feels like. "I couldn't break free from admiring one person's achievements, someone else's personality, another's skills, yet another's relationships. And don't get me started on how I looked at other … Read more…

A Spiritual Formation Primer

A Spiritual Formation Primer

by Richella Parham and Karyn O'Bryant

Narrated by Parham, Richella

Written by Renovaré Ministry Team and Board member Richella Parham, A Spiritual Formation Primer is a valuable resource that answers the question being asked by many today: "What is Spiritual Formation?" Richella clearly lays out the basics of Christian spiritual formation and does so in a cheerful and winsome way.  This highly approachable vo… Read more…