Resources by John F. MacArthur - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by John F. MacArthur

For the Olive Tree Bible App

MacArthur Bible Studies: Luke

MacArthur Bible Studies: Luke

by John F. MacArthur

The Gospel of Luke tells the story of Jesus from a perspective unlike any other. As a physician, Luke presents a detailed account of Jesus’ conception and birth. As a meticulous historian, he highlights Jesus’ parables, teachings, healings, and compassion to the outcasts in Israel. He follows Christ on His journey to the cross, recounts His last days tha… Read more…

MacArthur Bible Studies: Matthew

MacArthur Bible Studies: Matthew

by John F. MacArthur

The New Testament launches with an eyewitness account of the events of Jesus’ life from Matthew, a former despised tax collector who experienced a radical conversion and became one of Jesus’ own disciples. Matthew’s unique view interweaves his strong Jewish knowledge of the expected Messiah with his personal recollections of the flesh-and-blood Savior.… Read more…

MacArthur Bible Studies: 1 and 2 Peter

MacArthur Bible Studies: 1 and 2 Peter

by John F. MacArthur

Believers in the early church scattered across the Roman Empire were facing the threat of increased persecution. Peter, the most outspoken of the disciples and leader among the apostles, wrote two practical and encouraging letters to strengthen the hearts of these followers of Christ. Through words of hope and wisdom, he taught them how to live victoriously … Read more…

MacArthur Bible Studies: 1 and 2 Timothy

MacArthur Bible Studies: 1 and 2 Timothy

by John F. MacArthur

Timothy was a close associate of Paul who was facing problems within the church that he was leading in Ephesus. In these personal letters, Paul gives practical pastoral instruction to his protégé, highlighting godliness and holy living to help Timothy fulfill his calling and effectively carry out his important tasks in the church. “Let no one despise you… Read more…

MacArthur Bible Studies: 1 and 2 Thessalonians and Titus

MacArthur Bible Studies: 1 and 2 Thessalonians and Titus

by John F. MacArthur

Like a tender shepherd, Paul wrote the letters of 1 & 2 Thessalonians to the church he founded in Thessalonica, a huge city in Macedonia. These were friends he knew, loved, and missed. His purpose in writing was to thank them for their work of faith, their labor of love, and their continued hope in the Lord Jesus Christ . . . and His coming again. Paul was a… Read more…

MacArthur Bible Studies: 2 Kings

MacArthur Bible Studies: 2 Kings

by John F. MacArthur

During the time of the divided kingdom, both the nation of Israel in the north and Judah in the south witnessed great miracles and great failures as their kings vacillated between serving God and following pagan practices. As God led the people through prophets such as Elisha—miraculously curing one man of leprosy and raising another back to life—the clo… Read more…

MacArthur Bible Studies: Revelation

MacArthur Bible Studies: Revelation

by John F. MacArthur

The book of Revelation unveils Jesus Christ in glory. The apostle John wrote this letter to the churches in Asia Minor who were feeling the overwhelming effects of persecution from all sides. This book was a reminder to them that God saw their hardships, cared about them, and would reward them for their faithfulness. Through the use of viv… Read more…

MacArthur Bible Studies: 1, 2, 3 John and Jude

MacArthur Bible Studies: 1, 2, 3 John and Jude

by John F. MacArthur

In the face of false teachings about Jesus, the apostle John took a direct approach. “I heard Jesus speak,” he wrote. “I saw him . . . I even touched him.” Just as we would write about someone we knew and loved, John told the early believers the truth about the Savior. But he didn’t let them off the hook without an examination of their lives. “If… Read more…

MacArthur Bible Studies: James

MacArthur Bible Studies: James

by John F. MacArthur

The apostle James, the oldest half-brother of Jesus, was a key leader in the Jerusalem church. During the early days of the young church, the Jewish believers had been scattered by persecution. Out of compassion, James wrote this epistle to confront them and motivate them to test the quality and consistency of their faith. In this short an… Read more…

MacArthur Bible Studies: Hebrews

MacArthur Bible Studies: Hebrews

by John F. MacArthur

The early Jewish believers had come from a background of legalism and works. When God came to earth in human flesh as the New Covenant, these believers discovered the freedom they could have in Jesus and the relationship they could enjoy with Him. Yet in the midst of persecution and rejection, they were often tempted to hold on to the former symbols, rituals… Read more…

MacArthur Bible Studies: Daniel and Esther

MacArthur Bible Studies: Daniel and Esther

by John F. MacArthur

Many of God’s people through the ages have been called to endure times of hardship, loneliness, and suffering. Some, such as Daniel and Esther, were even members of a race carried away to a foreign land that had never heard of the God of Israel. Their lives were not easy, but even in the midst of trials, these men and women discovered that God was with the… Read more…

MacArthur Bible Studies: Ezra and Nehemiah

MacArthur Bible Studies: Ezra and Nehemiah

by John F. MacArthur

The people of Israel were carried away to Babylon, where they lived as exiles and outcasts. God sent this judgment on His people because of their continued unfaithfulness to His word—but the day came when He called them to return to Jerusalem. However, when they arrived there, they discovered things had dramatically changed for the worse. The Temple was de… Read more…

(Number of titles: 201)