Believers often take for granted the great act of salvation provided to us by the work of Jesus Christ. Beginning with the Old Testament sacrifices and the prophecies that foreshadowed Christ, authors Jerry Bridges and Bob Bevington guide believers through the biblical overview of Christ's atonement. The Great Exchange helps beli… Read more…
Written by Theologian Sinclair Ferguson, the Second Book in the Growing Gospel Integrity Series Explores the Christian's Call to Christlikeness
While Jesus offers forgiveness for believers who sin, Scripture makes it clear that Christians are to pursue … Read more…
What would you give to spend an evening with Jesus, hearing Him teach and listening to Him pray? This is what we encounter in the Farewell Discourse of John 13–17. As the shadow of the cross loomed, Christ shared His final hours with the disciples to prepare them for His death, quiet their troubled hearts, and intercede on their behalf before the Fathe… Read more…
¿Estás realmente impresionado por la gracia de Dios? O ¿te has acostumbrado a ella? Sí, cantamos de la «sublime gracia» de Dios, pero ¿realmente entendemos lo que como cristianos experimentamos al recibirla? O ¿damos por sentado esta gracia divina? En Solo por gracia: Un estudio de la maravillosa gracia de Dios… Read more…
How can a sinful human stand before a holy God?
The New Testament book of Galatians deals with this question—a question that stands at the heart of the gospel. In
Christ Has Set Us Free, nine seasoned Bible teachers walk th… Read more…
Preaching today all too often tragically misses the point.
We've all heard sermons that sound more like a lecture, filling the head but not the heart. And we've all heard sermons tailored to produce an emotional experience, filling the heart but n… Read more…
The story of the church is important for Christians to know, for it contains rich and uplifting stories of God’s dealings with His people. Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson takes the reader on a tour of the Christian history, featuring stories and songs to give believers a sense of their place in God’s kingdom and to encourage them in their walk.… Read more…
Called a "physician of the soul," Martyn Lloyd-Jones is widely regarded as one of the most powerful preachers of the twentieth century. Originally trained as a medical doctor, he changed careers after recognizing the depth of healing the gospel can bring to the soul of a sinner. With a unique ability to winsomely capture the minds an… Read more…
In The Trinitarian Devotion of John Owen, Dr. Sinclair Ferguson offers careful reflection and insight for Christians today as he highlights Owen's faith in the triune God of Scripture. We're reminded that regardless of our circumstances we can know God, enjoy Him, and encourage others. From Spurgeon to Luther, certain lives throughout church history … Read more…
Church history is important because it shows us how God's faithful dealings with His people in the Bible continue in the ongoing life and work of Christ in our world. If you have ever wished for a short book highlighting church history's most important events that will enlighten your mind and peak your interest, this is the one you ve been waiting fo… Read more…
Over 100,000 copies sold!The things you want most for your child are the things only God can do . . . so you pray.As parents we want to protect our children; we want them to move forward in life; most importantly, we want them to take hold of and grow in Christ. And while the advice offered by parenting experts can be helpful, at some point we realize there … Read more…
The Bible stands at the heart of the Christian faith, but now more than ever many question its historical reliability and relevance for life today. In what may become the definitive contemporary evangelical resource on this foundational topic, John MacArthur and a host of pastors, biblical scholars, historians, and theologians defend… Read more…