The Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary of the Old Testament series brings to life the world of the Old Testament through informative entries and full-color photos and graphics. Here readers find the premier commentary set for connecting with the historical and cultural context of the Old Testament.
Many today find the Old Testament a… Read more…
In this new edition of a successful book (over 120,000 copies sold), now updated throughout, a leading expert on the social world of the Bible offers students a reliable guide to the manners and customs of the ancient world.From what people wore, ate, and built to how they exercised justice, mourned, and viewed family and legal customs, this illustrated intr… Read more…
This substantially updated edition of a classroom standard provides students with an accessible introduction to the literature, history, and social context of the Old Testament. Written by two seasoned Old Testament professors, the book pays attention to methodology, archaeology, history, and literary genre and includes illustrations, sidebars, maps, and stu… Read more…
Adam and Eve, God's covenant with Abraham, the deportation of Judah and their eventual return to Jerusalem--these are the Old Testament stories most people remember, and for good reason. According to veteran Old Testament professor Victor Matthews, these stories are essential to the identity of Israel as God's people. Matthews identifies eight landma… Read more…