Resources by J.D. Payne - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by J.D. Payne

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Roland Allen's the Ministry of Expansion: The Priesthood of the Laity

Roland Allen's the Ministry of Expansion: The Priesthood of the Laity

by J.D. Payne and Roland AU Allen

Roland Allen was one of the most influential mission thinkers of the twentieth century. As a High Church Anglican, he had great respect and value for Church tradition, but was quick to confront cultural preferences when they appeared to contradict biblical prescriptions.The Ministry of Expansion: The Priesthood of the Laity reflects his thoughts that dealt w… Read more…

Pressure Points: Twelve Global Issues Shaping the Face of the Church

Pressure Points: Twelve Global Issues Shaping the Face of the Church

by J.D. Payne

Each generation of believers faces numerous challenges to the mission of the church. While the church does not have control over the large issues of each generation, its response to them is a matter of Kingdom stewardship. J. D. Payne gets to the heart of the twelve most important problems we face today. In Pressure Points J. D. helps us see how we can prev… Read more…

Kingdom Expressions: Trends Influencing the Advancement of the Gospel

Kingdom Expressions: Trends Influencing the Advancement of the Gospel

by J.D. Payne

In our changing world, how do Christians come together in non-traditional ways? For the Christian, there's value in learning about expressions of our own beliefs that may be unfamiliar.In Kingdom Expressions, an expert takes a look at some of the most significant, gospel-advancing movements and trends to take place in the latter twentieth and twenty-firs… Read more…